On Inspiration

In real life, this is terrifying.

This sounds like an artsy-fartsy artist trope, but everything inspires me. It really does.

Inspiration can be a challenge at times. One can get so bogged down in the day to day that we keep laser focus on whatever we are stressing about at the time (I really don't think we think anymore. We all just worry and stress). It's hard to allow our minds to wander, wonder and play with ideas. Our society bombards us with so many messages on a daily basis that our minds have little room left to "move around".

It's important as a Maker to find inspiration wherever you can or carve out some time for it to feed your mind. Since my Cap'n and I are both Makers, we took ourselves on a field trip to Brooklyn Museum of Art to view the official portraits of President and First Lady Obama. At first, I didn't want to be bothered with going. I had things to do! But then I heard that this was the last week to see the portraits. So I got out from under all of my yarn and headed out. 

And I'm so glad I did! The portraits were amazing of course and it's so different to see them up close. But afterwards we walked around to see other exhibits. I forget how inspiring museums are: as a Maker, there's really no excuse  not to visit one or a gallery at least bi-monthly, especially since I live in NYC! They are such a huge resource and many of them have pay -what-you-wish days. I am blessed to live in a place with so much culture and I have a duty as a Maker to keep abreast of what's going on in art, craft and design.

Please gift yourself time to allow for inspiration to hit you today, or better yet, every day. We have to remember: ideas need idea-food and watering.


On Inclusion and Respect for the Craft


On Procrastination